Campus groups marking Israeli Apartheid Week construct mock apartheid walls made up of panels with libelous claims about Israel. The central feature of the Apartheid Week Exposed site is a virtual wall meant to educate visitors, with more comprehensive context than those on campus provide.
(Website and Social Media Campaign, 2022)
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual event at colleges across the US. Its organizers claim to expose Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people. However, these proponents frequently spread disproven myths and invite terrorism advocates to speak on campus.
"Apartheid Week Exposed" is a counter-campaign to IAW that provides deeper insights into misconceptions about Israel and the Palestinian territories.
As CAMERA on Campus' Social Media Manager, I was challenged to design a continuously updated reference for students encountering IAW claims on campus.
Future points of improvement for the site include adding updated infographics, articles, and video content, building new pages for misconceptions that emerge in the coming year (or become newly relevant), and separating topics and figures under different headers.

A social media campaign with matching branding accompanied the website, with multimedia content on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.