Willard Way Sauna and Exterior Pool
Corkboard, Spray paint on Plywood
3.25" x 4.75" X 9.5"
I conceived a sauna complex in Ithaca’s Willard Way site, which encompasses a local gorge. It is physically embedded into the side of the waterfall; the user, in turn, is embedded as well, and feels a powerful but peaceful engagement with the water, silt, and rock that surround him. Guiding one’s passage through the space are light trails established by glass panels contained within the walls that provide a direct route for light to travel through the water into the interior. The bath level is shielded by a waterfall curtain wall, providing an even more direct connection between the visitor and the elements.
Section View
Section View
Exterior View Photo Collage
Exterior View Photo Collage
Sauna Interior View Rendering
Sauna Interior View Rendering
Bath Interior View Rendering
Bath Interior View Rendering