"Lumasonic" is a wired sconce prototype made up of a speaker, ear buds case, and a charging port meant to synthesize light and sound. I conceived of this project as part of a half-semester exploration, prompted to create a unified family of objects.

I began by exploring the concepts of movement, meditation, and shelter through 100 sketch models. Centering on movement, I surveyed people about their mobility experiences and preferences while noting their observations and associations with the models. This research highlighted the significant influence of light and sound on movement patterns, prompting further investigation.

I sought further feedback from audiences with emotional mapping based on new models, and refined the form of the object to be a streamlined, unified sconce with a speaker and headphones integrated into the body.

In order to more authentically connect light and sound in the concept model, I created a painting that I adapted into a topography for 3D printing. I’ve utilized this method with many of my sculpture pieces, but this is its first integration into a lighting ornament. Because light and sound are both expressed through waves, I thought it was only natural that I create such a texture to unify these elements.